Student Credit Card – Government General Degree College, Mangalkote

Student Credit Card


The West Bengal Students’ Credit Card Scheme, initiated by the Government of West Bengal, aims to provide financial assistance or loan upto 10 lakh rupees to higher education aspirants at a nominal 4% rate of interest through State Cooperative Banks with reasonable and affordable terms and conditions of repayment. Dr. Suchismita Das, Assistant Professor in Sociology is the Nodal Officer and Mr. Khokan Saikh, Assistant Professor in History is the Help-Desk Officer of the West Bengal Students’ Credit Card Scheme Committee/Unit of the college.

The committee organizes sensitization and awareness generation camps in the college to acquaint students about the provisions of the West Students Credit Card Scheme. In pursuance of Gazette Notification No.142L/OM-90L/2021 dated 30.06.2021 relating to the introduction of the Students’ Credit Card Scheme, the college organized two online sensitization sessions on 07.07.2021 with immediate effect, considering the then Covid pandemic scenario, to inform students about the features of the Credit Card Scheme. In pursuance of letter no. 400-EH/RUSA/-59/21 dated 14.12.2021, from the Commissioner to the Government of West Bengal, Department of Higher Education and State Nodal Officer (WBSCC Scheme) to the Vice-Chancellors of all Universities in the state, the committee organized the first offline awareness generation camp on 20.12.2021. The response was immensely positive with 164 students participating and interacting in the camp.

The committee has also organized special camps for students belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and for the new entrants in the college in the academic year 2022-23, as per the directives of the Higher Education Department. Following a Higher Education Department directive, the committee organized a student visit to a local Duare Sarkar Camp on 16.11.2022. On 02.01.2023, the committee set up a special Help-Desk, as part of the inaugural day of activities of the Observation of Students’ Week. The Help-Desk is otherwise operational on all working days between 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Students may contact Mr. Pinaki Roy (9051271628), Nodal Officer, from Monday to Wednesday, and Mr. Aritra Rudra (7001294913), Help-Desk Officer, from Thursday to Saturday. For all queries related to registration and documentation for application.

Important links:

1. (About the Scheme)
2. (Scheme Guidelines)
3. (Students’ Manual in Bengali)
4. (State Helpline)

Important documents:

1. Check List for Applicants in Bengali (Prepared by WBSCCS Committee, GGDCM)
2. College Manual for Applicants (Prepared by WBSCCS Committee, GGDCM)